Hm, very abstract
headwax, seems like that's your cup of tea eh? It's a little hard to tell where the walls meet but I think it conforms enough
Janro, the dimensions are the most important. So long as the low fence has something above it that distinctly shows the top boundary in some way or shape then it'll be fine. Basically, if you were to place all of the entries in a column and scrolled through them, ask yourself if yours would be out of place based on how you handled the boundaries. If anything, work on it and seek our opinion

I'm hoping for enough entries to be able to stack them on top of each other like some kind of collage. You know what, just for kicks....
Deadline Extended To:
Sunday, March 13, 2011The
top three winners get a poster shipped to them with all the entries in it! (so long as there are 5+ entries).
This is just a little more incentive to participate.
I'll be working on mine soon enough. Just gotta scrape the rust off again...I'm a little bit in
3D Joe Wiltshire's predicament, except it's work rather than college and reading instead of games. Darn you Kindle App for Android!