Ok, Steve finally emailed me so I have some good news and some bad news.
The good news is that Steve is still alive. He's got good plans for Anim8or.
The bad news is that he's got a lot of things going on, and his plans for Anim8or require him to overhaul a lot of major components. Those two things make for a bad combination. An update will not be coming around any time soon. It's pretty much what Texel said.
The good news is that personally I'll rescind my plans to leave and instead work on keeping the forum in good condition for him, if he accepts my admin request. Hopefully Steve will drop by sometime and say hello as well.
However, our current circumstances remain unchanged, and none of it is really unexpected. Personally, 3D graphics don't have as big a role in my life as it used to, so I have no other community that I intend to move to. You'll probably see me here until the end. However, I still recommend you guys join other communities if you haven't already, especially the ones still posting a lot of WIPs here, and use this forum as the supplement rather than the core.
I'll post a new topic about the collab as well to see who wants to join in on it. It'd be nice if we can get a good number of entries going.
And yeah CoriDavis, lucky you for having such a headstart