Many thanks for the advises!
The texturing seems to be ok, it was very easy to use transparent textures, when you know how to do it! Thanks a lot!
I've made first attempts to make wake and smoke, and it seems to be ok. I'll just need to perfect smoke and add stern wake, but it is now only matter of time.

About the rendering - yes, the shadows are enabled. I've added a single light, activated lights casting of shadows, but now when using ART tracer, anim8or crashes!
Using scanline renderer gives the render you see above - without shadows.
Arik, thanks for advise, I will try your method. I'm now preparing the texture in Photoshop, using your sample, so soon i will be able to post the results. I suppose it will fit great for gray (war) paint scheme, while the black (standard) camouflage will not be affected much, but here i plan to add some rust

I'm accepting gratefully advises, I work with Anim8or for some time, but lat weeks I learn much new things!