For the fact that it won't have a hilt if you use a CNC machine is becuae then you would be more than doubling the cost of both materials and cutting equipment. You would have to buy a bar of metal that is as thick as the hilt and then cut the width of the blade out of that. That is a lot of wasted metal and extra cutting that you would not have needed had you used a bar of metal the width of the blade. If you research how knives are made, you will find that almost all blades are made with the same thickness of metal from tip to pomel and then have two halves of the handle added on top, either by glue or rivets. Old swords used wire or leather to tie the grip onto the blade.
You could make the blade and handle all one piece like this one:
One-piece knifeThe reason I didn't mention doing this is due to the cost. $222 for a knife is a bit excessive, but to make a sword like this...

Like I said, more than double to the cost of manufacture.
Here's about the cheapest option I can think of: Print out the side view of your model onto paper in 1 to 1 scale. 1 inch for the model = 1 inch on the paper. You can send the side view render of your model to GIMP and enlarge it. Then buy a hunk of metal that is the same dimensions as the bounding box of your model. If your sword is 2 feet from the tip of the blade to the end of the handle, then get a 2 foot long slab of steel. Since this blade is probably for show, you can make it thinner than the model. 1/8th inch might work for the blade, but it will be pretty flimsy. Glue the paper print of your model to the steel. Now get out your jig saw, clamp the steel to something, and cut out out the outline of your sword. You might go through several metal saws in this way. Once you have cut out your sword, grab a metal rasp and carefully shape the edge of the sword. Do some research on what the proper angle should be for the edges. Once the edges are done, refine them with a whetting stone or sand paper. For a shiny finish, polish the steel. Now grab a nice stick off the ground and split it in half. Glue one half of the stick to each side of the steel. Now take a knife and sand paper and shape the wood into a handle. Wrap it up with wire or leather and show it off.
I know, manual labor. But it saves you the cost.