Heh, thanks, I think I will finish it .

And of course weapons are coming, those are just unfinished " legs ".

About those errors... at least it's not my comp.

I have tried a lot, groups, meshes ( in the last pic it was just a single mesh...but still

). I just think it's a bug ( sure it is ), as any others, but it's a very annoying one. Maybe we could find exactly what's going on, but it needs a lot of tests. I think because I do a lot of do/undo , delete some meshes all the time , rotate/re-rotate , group/ungroup , somewhere there Anim8or looses the ball

. And not that a lot of do/undo is by default a problem, but again because it's a kind of bug. And again, maybe we could find after which manipulation series ( grouping+/or rotating+/or ungrouping+/or joining solids +/or undoing all these e.t.c ) those errors show up, but it needs a lot of research.
But as I said before , it is not present all the time, you know , only ...at the most inopportune moment

. We can live with that.
About join/unjoin solids, because you said a lot of work...I don't know, maybe you know that , but there is somewhere a topic ( was good one as an idea, but as a lot other here is dead now ) where
kubazz said ( don't know how did he find that ) that there is a "trick", if you want to unjoin some solids go into point editor and hit "l" ( Caps Lock of ) and all the solids will be unjointed ( although you maybe want to unjoin only some and not all, but you just then join again those you need ). I were always wondering why there is no unjoin command since there is a join solids one and thats why I always were afraid of joining solids, but after I found that topic and
kubazz's message , I use it all the time. And don't know how did he find that ( probably by luck, since "l" as you know is a short cut for edge loop cut command ) since, as
kubazz self said, Steve didn't say about that anywhere (site, manual ).
Any way, for these things we need a new topic ( or maybe get back to life that old one ), to discuss about everything technical , do some practice stuff e.t.c ( always were wondering / again/ why there wasn't anything "alive" such )
Uh, we are very lazy, you know ?!!