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Author Topic: Cannot open morph target key in scene mode  (Read 5305 times)


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Cannot open morph target key in scene mode
« on: October 14, 2011, 06:55:43 am »

In scene mode I have an object with a morph taget.

After I created the target I went into scene mode and added keys by double clicking on the frame/morph target loaction where I wanted to change the key value - all was OK.

If I add an ASL script to set the morph target value, after closing the key value editor dialog I cannnot get the key value editor dialog to open again. 

I double click on the morph target name under the element name in the time line at the bottom of the scene screen to open the key value editor.  When that does not work I cannot find a work around to get back to the script.  Is this a bug or should I get back to the script another way?  If it is a bug is there a work around (all I can think of is to edit the script in the .an8 file)?



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Re: Cannot open morph target key in scene mode
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2011, 08:49:04 am »

It is a bug but there is a workaround.  Open the Graph Editor (available in Options), you should be able to access all controllers from there.


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Re: Cannot open morph target key in scene mode
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2011, 11:02:31 am »

Thanks thats fixed it.

Do you think there will be any new versions of anim8or?


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Re: Cannot open morph target key in scene mode
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2011, 06:21:25 pm »

I'm really not sure.  It must be remembered that Anim8or is a one-man creation and there is only so much one person can do.  The best we can do is push Anim8or to the limits (and let's be honest, very few of us have actually managed that) and hold on to the hope that Steve has been secretly building V1.0 and once complete he will unleash it upon us and stun everybody with its amazingness!

Seriously, Anim8or as it is now has some excellent qualities, not least the overall simplicity and extendability, but it should not be compared with $$$ packages or open-source monstrosities like Blender and it will most likely always have some little bugs like this one.  Steve has done an incredible job building Anim8or for no reward other than the undying admiration and respect of we who are lucky enough to have found this simple, intuitive, free package to bring our creative imaginations to life.

As it stands Anim8or should be considered an introductory package on which to learn the craft, before extending those skills to something like 3DS Max or Maya.  It is also a handy tool in the 3D animator's toolbox, it's modeller is missing some cool features like Booleans but it more than makes up for this in ease of use, clarity of interface etc. and I still use it for 99% of my modelling.