Yea I was just trying to see if I can eliminate another use of an if statement, but however presenting that you are using one, I guess I'll just stick to the one I am using (it may not be noticeable difference in speed, if you eliminate one if statement, but over time you can see a difference).
Thanks music waters, you've help me eliminate one problem.
So since I can't embed useful things into my signature, (there's not even enough space to put a simple smile), I'll have to continue telling you what I am currently working on in the form of a post.
First off, getting angles completely working now, I'm able to do a lot more now.
Also I finally decided to incorporate the very not so hard distance formula (I was really lazy to put it in, but its finally in), so now you can use the function getDistance (pointA, pointB) and it will return a number equaling the distance. This incredibly helped a lot to my surprise, as I now have the basis for dynamic cloth and rope simulation. It's a little glitch however because I haven't incorporated centripetal force yet, but AM WORKING ON IT!
Also I can display things that are in a (proper) distance, unlike before it was just checking if things were in range by a square (which looked terrible).
I also got a efficient cube (environment) reflection done, and a few other cheesy looking reflection that look cool if done properly.
I've been also learning more about simulating physics, I might make my own physic functions, or might use just use bullet for the final thing (cause bullet is still awesome), but I still want to learn more about 3d calculus and other things for my own sake of learning.
To davdud101, somehow I over looked your post and didn't see it, well if you read this far you'll know the basis for cloth and rope physics have started to be implemented, as for other soft body physics why not, making a cube jello-y like is actually a lot simpler than cloth physics, in my opinion that is. It's when it comes to physically contacting a surface and moving or rotating in a realistic manner that become the hard part.
Mess distortion, well I was going to have some why to be able to edit the vertices of an object (still have to figure out how I want to make it call a specific vertex), which then you could create a set of variables (an array of them) to store positions or properties of them, so you could store the colour (damnit Firefox, don't tell me you think colour is spelled wrong) of one vertex, oppose to the whole object.
Because of rope physics being in, inverse kinetics are now a possibility, that is once I get bones in.
Also I have been working on the scripting part of the new cre8or some more. Figured out ways to make it run faster, to call different scripts and more. However I still haven't figured out how to make it possible to be able to create new variables on the fly in a script (I could make it stacked based, but that's the ONE MAJOR THING I HATE ABOUT SCRIPTING LANGUAGES!!! I never want to lean towards the stacked based scripting language EVAR!! <- purposely spelled like that

Sorry for the long post, I just needed to tell you whats been done the last week-ish or so time that has passed. Also somehow I am failing school because of my English, but yet I corrected the teacher many many times already. Questioning on how that works.