Janro: Well, the way I'm going to work the prints is that if on Friday my machine is fully functional then I will be printing in the order that people signed up. So it'll be $imon, cooldude234, siragin, Janro, Maximillianibus, and then 3Dgeek11. Depending on the print quality it may take up to a day for each print. Also, even though I'll be starting in this order, if someone's not ready when his turn comes up then he'll be placed in the back of the line for more time.
If after everyone else's prints have been done and you're still not ready, the time that I complete your print may be indefinite. I prefer not to be old and wrinkly when this offer's finished
3Dgeek11: Star Fox's ship, eh? Well, your model in its current state isn't printable. The only way I can print it is for me to split it up into pieces and glue it all together, and it's not completely manifold (though I can fix that). For the most part this version of the Arwing has too many things sticking out everywhere so that it can't really be fixed up any other way. In fact, any version of the Arwing will have to be printed in pieces first and then stuck together, so that's really the only option.
If you're ok with that then I'll do it! I can't guarantee it'll be pretty but it'll at least have the proper shape

Also, if you want to add more detail to it, you have until Friday (or whenever your turn comes up) to do so.