Looks a lot better,
I think the materials of the metal parts could do with a little more work. Maybe a darker ambient color, add a diffuse map with details, that kind of thing. I'm sure the rest will sort itself out if you put some work into the lighting setup prior to your final cut.
If you want to add more details to it, there's plenty of things you can do. Emergency stop buttons, lights, and sirens placed at strategic areas. Pressure release stems and valves (simple lever valves this time) feeding from the pipes. Assuming nasty stuff gunks up at the bottom of the Spectra tanks the same way stuff in other tanks do (the vats are the rectangular liquid containers that the tanks are feeding--you have it right), you can add drainage valves to the bottom of the tanks. You can also add vent modules to the tops of each tank. Add electrical wiring, switches, outlets, lights, etc., everywhere. Add a
crane and pulley system along the top, since there has to be some way of moving around all that heavy equipment. Add drains to the deck, give the deck some nice textures with dark Spectra stains.
Is it all gravity-fed? If not, add some motorized pumps (gas or electrical) to push the Spectra where it needs to go, and E-Stops for each one.
As for the big tanks in the back, for what purpose are they there? If they are just sump tanks (where excess wasted fuel/Spectra goes to), then there would usually be a hookup somewhere on the lower end of the tank so that it can be emptied every once in a while. Otherwise there needs to be a pipe leading out to feed whatever it's supposed to feed.