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Anim8orWorld HotRod Tutorial 1
Thought I`d set about doing this HotRod, for the Anim8orWorld Workshop. Looks simple enough and should be a doddle to complete ( famous last words!)
All done in anim8or so you should be able to easily follow along no Ref images for this all done on the Fly, wing, whatever, no videos, just start off with a cuboid and use face extrude to do half of the shape below, then mirror and join it ... hey presto, the Chassis and basis for all the rest of the Motor. tidy.

Note: I will Update this single thread as I complete each bit, rather than keep making new posts . BTW, the Spitfire I will get back to, I was going to do a load of videos for it but to tell you the truth I really can`t be arsed... Cracking!!

Update: Added some blocks to get the chassis correctly propotioned From Front, Radiator, Engine Block, Dashboard & FootWell ,Seating Cockpit and finally Luggage/Fuel Compartment does it not look good..lush!!

Here is a wheel that I have just ued the inset and extrude tool to get a tyre, rim and all the other gubbings, ( have to do this quick as Im at work at the moment but you can refine a little better so that the outside has some depth t it!
Outer Wheel

Inside of Wheel

and finally With subdivision in place

So all we need to do with the wheel is copy and paste to the other three and we are in business I`ll next go a bit more in depth with the chassis and connect the wheels etc . Tidy
Update: is this three .... oh yeah...
Sorted a bit more to the chassis and extruded some wishbones for the front, needless to say I`ll need to bolt them with Bolts at some stage but they are little buggers to do so I`ll leave all the little bits till last want to get on with the engine and cockpit
Here is the Revised V1 Chassis ( it will change again when I get the back sorted out with a differental.

Now I have got that done, I revised the wheels and added some other bits, .... they are all just extrusions pulled in and out for speed, I should really have added a cylinder for the steering tie rod, was an afterthought should have really bashed the ends then just chucked some bolts and nuts through them
most probably will do so though in next revision
Heres a close up pic

and finally progresss so far ...

Another update:
Dropped the V8 Engine Block in, may need to adjust that chassis again for some engine mountings at rear, will need the gearbox supported as well when That goes in so will adjust as neccessary.

starting to work on the carbs and exhaust ports next ....
Just finished for tonights session finished the Carbs exhaust ports in progress.... new thread tomorrow
Started Early Today, 12th October 2011. Now panel Beating the cockpit together, thought I might add Brake servo Etc to the bulkhead of the cockpit, but that might involve more wiring etc. Doors open and close needs some hinges and handle Next to add seat Must look Lush though.
Added some more box sections to the rear Chassis, with wishbones, added front Headlamps, Fuel tank at rear, and finished off the other side for exhaust ports.
Still to do: Front Leaf Springs , Rear Leaf Springs, Sundry bits to the engine Dynamo, Oil Filter , Plugs and leads Steering Rods, Shocks front and rear.

Its starting to look lush!
Added Seat, Steering Wheel, Exhaust Ports(One Side) Back Box section done roughly. Next to add Rear Wishbones, Suspension, Diff and a Sort of Gearbox so I can have shift Changer.

Giving the modelling a rest for the moment, One good thing with doing this in a sort of
modular form, is that you can take say the
engine if your not satisfied with it, and re-work it, then paste it back in.
I exported the model as a 3ds then chucked it Carrara stuck a few procedurals on it and used some different HDRI maps to see what effects it would have
Here are the results.

I`ll use this new thread for updates now:
Added some more box sections to the rear Chassis, with wishbones, added front Headlamps, Fuel tank at rear, and finished off the other side for exhaust ports.
Still to do: Front Leaf Springs , Rear Leaf Springs, Sundry bits to the engine Dynamo, Oil Filter , Plugs and leads Steering Rods, Shocks front and rear.

Its starting to look lush!
Latest revisions... Lots more to add though, and some cleaning up to do
latest revision so far...

Now I did say I was going to stick a gearbox in, especially as the gear shift lever is in , (it would look odd if it was just stuck on the floor!

And finally an underside view I want to fix the leaf springs so that they are functional rather than just stuck there so will need U clamps etc

E & O EE
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