Adventure Maker is a full software ... You can get the free trial which you can use for however long you wush to. Its the one i have at the moment which im getting used to again after a long time away from the game design interests

you cant create commercial games using the free version. you can only create executable platable sellable games using the full version. Also, 360 paronamic viewing interfaces can be established with the full version

look it up


I have Myst, Riven, Exile, RealMyst ... I also have a vast amount of other point and click games which i purchased for influential and inspiration purposes mostly: these include ... Reah, Aura, Rhem I and II, Dragon Lore II, Dark Fall I and II, Road to India, Necronomicon and Evany. Reah and Dragon Lore II used a great engine where the player can actually watch themselves movie forward in first person, so you click forward, and your character actually moves forward. Reah did a better job of this, as the transitions were faster ... Dragon Lore II (which i started playing at the age of 6 - and is probably no longer available or compatible for any computer beyond the Wind98 specification barrier) had animations which were far too slow - realistic! yes, but tooo slow
and im glad i helped

i would love a full version copy of the Adventure Maker software, though at the moment, i cant spare the money enough to get it yet unfortunately. I have just recently purchased a brand new portal Corg keyboard with arpeggiator, 360 sounds, etc, which will help me in my a level music course but also in the creation of my new game idea.
I really need some help with the graphics

Ive decided i will put aside my writing hobby for now and start constructing the game - concepts, puzzles, artwork, graphics.
Because there are 3 worlds featured in the game - all three i have yet to design - perhaps three people can work on each indivisual world? You can create ideas for puzzles and art if you wish to

If there are three people at work on graphics, then the game should speed up production a little easier

haha i got B in ICT by the way, though i was unable to do any game designing :O Your sister's lucky

I was only able to create spreadsheets and the other boring things that went with the course haha - as i sed, im not good at the intellectual programming side of game design

wish i was though
- im in it for the art and creative developement process:)
i gave up game design for quite a while, due to my ever-changing interests in other creative hobbies. These included writing and music - playting in bands, that never got me anywhere to be honest. Its all good fun, but seriously, i want to get into a job that concentrates on art. Game design sounds great - i was inspired to get into game design after watching the Making of Myst that came with the CD rom. Ever since, I have always had an interest with the point and click interface, probably because games like these are so easy to make, compared to Realtime 3d RPG games ...
i have Bryce 5.5 at home, which can generate really realistic graphics with the same standard as Riven. however, i want to start making my game as soon as possible, and it might take some time learning how to use Bryce :S
If anyone's interested in joining and getting down to some creative modelling, creating realistic graphics, etc, then contact me either here, say what influences you, etc, or email me at