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Author Topic: I'm modifying an old Blender XSI exporter script.  (Read 5305 times)


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I'm modifying an old Blender XSI exporter script.
« on: December 31, 2012, 04:22:42 am »

It was originally written for Blender 242 and exports an older version 1 SIXSI text based format similar to the format that Raxx created for Anim8or quite some time back. I modified the original python script written by a user named Overmind. The script is still in development, but I'm changing internal components for use with 3D exploration and the map editor in Battlezone 2 Combat Commander. I have the original script as well several other Blender XSI export scripts hosted on my modeling forum for anyone interested. Leroy. Seasons greeting to all.