Thanks Kevin for the link, much appreciated, and thanks Arik for your support! All my modeling is done in Anim8or, I'm yet to find a better modeler to be honest. Its tools are simple but utterly free of malarky, and the ability to wrangle multiple objects within a single project is absolutely crucial to creating really complex models without going insane. For example, the hotel ('Hotel2.jpg') is a single huge model built entirely in Anim8or. I can't overstate the importance of being able to build elements in an uncluttered 'workbench' object before cutting/pasting into an 'assembly' object for eventual export to Carrara for rendering (and adding plant objects). This simple ability is conspicuously absent in many other modelers, forcing the artist to construct and assemble meshes in a single, increasingly complex workspace.
The only reasons I render with Carrara rather than Anim8or relate to speed and material complexity. Anim8or's ART renderer makes really beautiful images but isn't fast enough for our production requirements. I also prefer Carrara's very powerful material editor whose channel-mixing functions are capable of almost infinite complexity and control in surface texture definition.
Of the five attached stills:
EngineRoom4: Modeled by team member Daniel Maland, I'm not sure what modeling software was used. I added the graphics to the display consoles, lighted and rendered.
HershelCorridor: Modeled in Anim8or with the door/frame element supplied by Daniel. Rendered using mirror elements to extend the length of the corridor.
KofiAnanBridgeTest1: Modeled in Anim8or with some elements supplied by Daniel.
Hotel2: Modeled entirely in Anim8or with plant elements added using Carrara's plant generator.
SlaveQuarters3: Primary model/set provided by Daniel, foreground container elements modeled in Anim8or.
In all cases, materials, lighting and rendering was with Carrara.