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Author Topic: windows not recognising an8 files  (Read 6878 times)


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windows not recognising an8 files
« on: April 14, 2013, 05:26:21 am »

I've started using a toshiba laptop for animating, coz my old computer was becoming too slow.
 The problem is that this windows xp doesn't recognise the anim8or files and doesn't know what to open them with.
 I've tried the 'right click -> open with' option, located the anim8or.exe, but when i click ok its like windows hasn't even seen it. Keeps wanting to use notepad etc...
 I've also 'Right clicked the an8 file and gone to  properties and tried changing the 'opens with' option, but thats just the same.
 I hav tried to search on the forum here, but not even sure how to explain it in 1 or 2 words. No results.
 At the mo i either hav to drag the file onto the an8.exe, or open the .exe and browse to open the file.
 Can someone please enlighten me on what i might do about this?.
 I miss seeing the robin on my files.... :(


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Re: windows not recognising an8 files
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2013, 07:57:38 am »

Been a while since I've had XP (miss it a bit actually....*sniff*) but this sounds kinda like a problem with the registry.  The fault could potentially be a virus attacking the registry, if you haven't already done so I'd run a deep virus scan.  Unfortunately my knowledge of the registry and how to edit it is slim, on my old machine I used to keep all my files on an external drive and reformat/re-load XP on the internal drive if anything like this happened.  A bit drastic but it did keep the machine running nicely (it was a Sempron... needed all the help it could get!).


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Re: windows not recognising an8 files
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2013, 08:45:57 am »

when you tried to use the open with setting, did you click the remember my settings check box?


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Re: windows not recognising an8 files
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2013, 12:05:11 am »

Thanks guys, but...
ENSONIQ5, i've run a whole computer virus-scan and a 'Program Files -> Windows' scan, AVG free, and not made a difference. No threats found. Is that what you mean by a 'deep virus scan'?.

 I first started on win98 and now a staunch xp supporter till the bitter end. When the internet has completely abandoned xp i'll need to upgrade, but my home pc, which stays off the internet, will keep xp, i hope, forever. I will need another home pc 1 day soon, but will get a good second hand 1 running xp. ;)

siragin: With windows xp it's 'right click -> open with' and it suggests notepad or firefox. (firefox!? lol). Theres a list of other programs below them, but not anim8or, so i click on the browse button. I locate anim8or.exe, select it and click the open button. It goes back to the previous dialogue but there is still no sign of anim8or showing.
 The 'remember my settings check box' is actually a 'Always use the selected program to open this kind of file' checkbox. Notepad is selected, so i don't check that box.  For interest sake i hav checked that box, but then it just opens the file with notepad.
  Thank you both for your suggestions, but anim8or still not being recognised.  ???



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Re: windows not recognising an8 files
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2013, 02:51:17 am »

Hello Johnar!

Here is how I do it for XP, its all to do with filetypes...

1: Get a directory/Folder up where you know all your .an8 files are stored, and select one by just clicking once on it to get it highlighted.

2: In the tools menu of the folder select "Folder Options"

3: Select "File Types"

4: Find the .an8 Anim8or fileType in the scrolldown list and select that. ( If you cannot find the .an8 filetype then you most probably will have to reinstall anim8or as the filetype is not in the registry)

5: In the File details if it is showing Notepad Just click change (as you selected .an8 it will change to robin)

6: Done, Works for me every time.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 02:55:50 am by kreator »


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Re: windows not recognising an8 files
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2013, 05:13:39 am »

Kreator!!  Hello to you, and Thank you.
 Wasn't exactly how you explained it, but it put me in the right place.  ;)
 In the folder options 'File Types' i found the .an8 file type and went into 'advanced'.(the 'change option didn't do it). But under 'advanced' it had 'edit file type', and under 'actions' it said 'open'. I clicked 'edit' and another little window came up saying 'Application used to perform action'!,   :D , with a path heading to notebook.
 There was also a 'browse' button, so i hit that, located anim8or, clicked ok and 'tadaaaah', like magic all my an8 files changed to Robin.
 Awesome.  ;D.
 Thanks for that Kreator. Nice one.  :)
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 05:17:47 am by johnar »