Wow. Looks like there's a lot of work to be done. I'm so glad to see anim8or being worked on so much.
I tried to read your main post (Raxx) and some of that stuff is over my head. So I don't know if these requests are already mentioned or not.
My 1st request is a hotkey for the add edge button. I use it a lot. Like really a lot. I usually model point to point.
My second request. A more advanced slide tool. One where you can select multiple edges and slide them on individual lines all at once.
My third. I really like the new mirror function. I've mentioned this before a few months ago, but I model on the left side of the screen and it doesn't work right. If you could make it universal, that would be great.
These requests really shouldn't be on the top of any list. Except maybe the hotkey for the add edge. But they will only make the/my workflow better. I'd honestly rather see inverse kinematics more than anything.
I just thought I'd throw my two cents in. Keep up the good work.