Hi Steve.
I want to ask you about a very important matter. I've been using anim8or for professional work at my job for years now. To be honest, f*uck 3dmax, f*ck blender, f*uck c4d

I've made some highly photorealistic renders with anim8or Since you make new updates now, I must really really ask you, consider the IK constraints. I believe I'm not the only one asking for this feature to be activated.
I also make organic animations for character, and this feature would really be golden. Personaly, I'll be willing to pay for this update/feature.
I also have a question. Do you know any physics engine for anim8or. I know it was cre8or once, but it doesn't run on win7.
Something like that would be also useful in an8.
Here's some nice simulations of how IK/c would look in anim8or and some physics:
Btw, this is my latest project for my work. The snowman is modeled, animated and rendered with anim8or, then composited with AE.
Looks nice? Anim8or rullz \m/