$imon, still scratching my head on that one. I'm thinking your AMD64-based cpu could have something to do with it, but I'm not sure if it's causing a problem in one of the libraries, my code, or something else. It worked fine on my 32-bit Win8 Intel-based test setup. I'll keep looking into it.
Kreator, thanks for reporting your issues and attaching the .an8 file. I fixed MorphIt so that it embedded the font (wingding--it's a system default font so I didn't account for how it may not be installed on some people's machines).
I also fixed the problem with your mannytest. It wasn't a 0.97D issue, just a little bug in the parser

I found a few other related bugs thanks to it, so your mesh should load and save just fine.
I uploaded the new version as 0.1d in the first post, feel free to give it a shot!