It was around 4 years ago when I was ten, I was looking for a good 3d modeling program to teach how to 3d model (before this I had never 3d modeled at all), and found a program named swift 3d from ERain
and after about a week I stopped because I had no idea what I was doing, then searched google for a good software, but soon after that I got more rules for the computer to where I couldnt install programs unless I needed it, and searched for a noninstallation one,(not very easy to find

), then found anim8or and saw it was non install so I got it, I wondered why it was purple for a second then got out of my trance and figured out I had no idea what any buttons did

, started experimenting and after a while started messing around with points faces etc..., and 4 years later here I am

, and I like the result