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Author Topic: XSI Export Script - LIA  (Read 13963 times)


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XSI Export Script - LIA
« on: February 04, 2014, 08:13:57 pm »

Okay, here's the XSI export script that supports hierarchy using the LIA system. If you're interested in having hierarchy, I recommend you download LIA v1.1 or later and use its tools to help you along the way.

  • Groups are ignored. The shapes within the groups are extracted and processed like any other shape. So if you have a shape named under the LIA system, and group it, it'll still retain its hierarchy.
  • Non-mesh shapes are treated as dummy shapes. Basically they'll have empty frames and otherwise be treated as another object in the hierarchy. So you can use splines to denote dummy shapes if you wish.
  • Transformations are "baked" into the vertices. Meaning that rather than the vertex data being relative to the shape's pivot point, all vertices are moved to its actual location in world coordinates. If there's demand for local transforms, I'll revisit this. If not, oh well.

Script is attached.


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Re: XSI Export Script - LIA
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 08:39:21 am »

Most excellent Raxx. Many thanks Leroy. I've been posting the XSI work you've done on several other modeling forums including my own forum blog. I've been working with another script writer named Tsvetan that has created an XSI importer for G/Max and I would imagine that modelers can import XSI models into GMAX to animate and texture their models using the key frame editor and mapping tools. He also been trying to make an XSI exporter script but GMAX has some serious issues with exporting non game pack supported models due to licencing limitations.

Question: Does this script act as an XSI exporter or do I need to still use the original XSI exporter that you made a while back? Could you please post some simple instructions on it's application as far as preparing a hierarchal model for export to XSI? Thank you so very much for doing as much as you already have. Leroy.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 09:05:05 am by lppena »


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Re: XSI Export Script - LIA
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2014, 12:54:37 pm »

As the first post states, this is an XSI export script that uses LIA. This is the script to use if you want to have hierarchy in your XSI file. Even if you don't care for hierarchy, this script still will export a model normally. There is no reason to have a previous XSI export script installed.

The hierarchy system is explained in the LIA page.

Quick Rundown:
  • LIA only uses a simple naming system. Append ".ChildOf.[parent's name]" to the end of any shape's name, and that shape will be marked as the child of [parent's name]. The LIA tools will handle this for you automatically.
  • Select the intended parent shape. Use the LIA - Set Parent script to mark it as the current parent.
  • Select the intended child shape(s). Use the LIA - Set Child script to set it/them as the children of the currently marked parent.
  • Repeat for any other parent/child relationships, or just name the shapes by hand. Either way will work if done properly.
  • Use the LIA - Unlink Selected or Lia - Unlink All scripts to clear hierarchy information quickly.
  • Use the LIA - List Hierarchy script to print the current hierarchy in the console for quick review as you work.
  • This XSI export script will export the model based on the hierarchy, as displayed when using the LIA - List Hierarchy script.