Hah,now I got it,although I have read it before. So actually it's more about LMB usage. Yet, for now a little bit confusing on when to use it, since used to shortcuts.
Maybe, then, about some other things have noticed:
1) remember that draw+selecting, by holding Ctrl down and selecting and deselecting with LMB RMB and MMB ? Keep in mind I refer always about 0.97d in which it worked perfectly and I loved it

By holding down the Ctrl it was possible to click with LMB or RMB or the MMB and continuously select items, leave mouse buttons and while still holding Ctrl key select or deselect by left middle or right clicking again. Now the RMB is "out of the game". Also when Ctrl is pressed and any of mouse buttons used ( MMB LMB ) you have to release Ctrl then push it again and only then mouse buttons will affect the selecting again. In other words : push Ctrl and hold it down, click with LMB/RMB/MMB and drag while pressing the mouse button ( don't let it go until select everything want ) then let mouse button but don't let Ctrl (pressed all the time ) and then you are able to click with mouse button and continue selecting. All that in 0.97d. Now, when selected something and released mouse buttons (only, Ctrl still pressed ) then, if want to continue selecting by pressing mouse button again you can't proceed , you have to release Ctrl first and press it down again, only then start clicking with mouse buttons.
2) the points,edges,faces buttons under coordinates and x,y,z, buttons. The p/e/f now are enabled all together, while in the old version only one item was every time. When there was a need to change say from points to faces only faces ( g shortcut ) could be enabled and the points were disabled automatically. Now we have to enable faces ( once pressing ) and to disable ( twice pressing ) points ( of course all that when points not needed ). I just wander if there will be the need for all enabled . Wont it be kind of confusing ? All that because it was kinda safe to manipulate one item every time and not to be afraid of to mess it up. Although it's kind of total freedom and it needs just to get used to it and since these implementations are some new things , additional possibilities, while the old ones wont be taken down, then I guess it's alright. Maybe others can give their opinion about it ?
That's about new things. There're some old little things like for example world coordinates and object coordinates , where LMB and RMB affect the opposite axes, in y- axis ( up and down movement with LMB ) with moving ( which is the " problematic", rotate is good ) tool the LMB acts in z-coordinates while the RMB which should affect in z-coordinates does it in y-axis. Also the MMB do exact the same with LMB, maybe there's a way to " release" it ( MMB ) since it does nothing different ? And object coordinates has the same affect with the world coordinates , even after rotating object's pivot .
That's for now.