Thought the point picking was improved too but I think it was just me 
Yes, a bit of radius tweaking would help a lot. At this time component picking is only remotely comfortable at a low monitor resolution.
Glad I'm not the only one. Faces can partially cover the point based on the angle of the faces and the camera angle, like seen in the image below (I imagine this might be the result of recent changes regarding editing hidden elements). The majority of points become partially covered regardless of the camera angle. In this example, the orange point is a highlighted point on a mesh. The red outline is an approximation of where the mouse has to be in order to highlight the point. Obviously, it's ignoring a large portion of the point!
This is why it's so frustrating, because not only does mousing over the center of the point not work a large part of the time, but the location around the point that is ignored is random based on what's partially hidden or not. The topo tool is supposed to allow for a rapid amount of edits in a short amount of time, but every other point is where I get stuck wasting seconds trying to get it to highlight in order to edit it. Also, if I start a cut and hover over an ignored portion of the point and that area just happens to be on an edge, sometimes it's so close to the point I have no way of knowing that I actually cut the edge and not the point! This makes me have no confidence any time I make a cut connecting to a pre-existing point, and I waste further time verifying it. I end up having no desire to model as the picking frustrations build up.
I'll quote what I mentioned a little while ago:
Picking Radius: This applies to the RMB-move for the topo knife and the move tool in fast select mode. The picking radius for points is much too small for comfort. In XSI (Blender and Wings3D have advanced picking as well), it begins picking the closest p/e/f at 80 pixels. Points get absolute priority (this is important!) when the mouse is around 12 pixels away from it. Edges get next priority over faces, at about 12 pixels distance as well. I know I've been harping about this before, but it makes for an extremely smooth and natural experience when modeling and I can't think of any reason not to have this level of picking. When testing this and previous builds with the topo tool, it's been something of a sore point for me.