Anim8or supports STL now so you can directly output 3D-Printable models. In the Object editor you can import and export both ASCII and binary STL files.
I have not yet added code to check for errors in your models, so make sure that they are well formed.
1. There can't be holes in the surface or edges with more that 2 faces. If you select them with the view set to wireframe all edges should be White (in the Point editor), or either White or Blue (in the main Object editor). Green edges only have one face which means there is a hole in the surface. Magenta edges have more that 2 faces so they is no clear surface, and Red edges have no faces at all.
2. The normals should be facing out. Use the Debug->Options->ShowNormals setting to see them. (You have to disable the new OpenGL code with <Ctrl-N> to do this for the time being.)
STL files are made of independent triangles. Anim8or attempts to fit them all together into a continuous surface. This is not always possible to do correctly when several parts of the model are very close or are touching. In addition many models have small numerical differences between vertices in different triangles that represent the same point. Anim8or does a pretty good job working through these issues but you may have to make some minor edits to some STL models that you import.
Note: This has only minimally been tested, so proceed with caution!