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Author Topic: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .  (Read 29882 times)


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Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« on: September 30, 2017, 08:34:53 pm »

                                                          Huaha :-X
                                                    Eyes bleeding
So. I've returned to Anim8or after a long time not been around. Lots of changes and as I've mentioned before, I lost the ball here. So I decided that if I want to catch up the whole thing I shall start all over again. From zero, totaly , as I did never before. :P I've searched all new videos, tutorials that were created from the point I kind of moved away a little bit . Lot of new stuff, but not that much. Can't say the same about the development of Anim8or . Huge steps forward. So I thought the only way ( as goes with my way of thinking, behavior in general ) is to go through the whole Anim8or forum !!! Started a little bit on some threads in all forums, but then decided to "clean up " the whole ASL forum for my self ( as known, scripts are the power !!! ) . So I came up with a list of scripts that were posted from The Big Bang the day of birth of the Official Anim8or Forum (the new one) . First goes the name of the topic in which originaly were posted the scripts and finaly the scripts of interest and the nickname of the author of the script. There are a few programs and some tools beside them also, just few. There are also some interesting semi-finished or just some wip scripts,controllers and stuff that never reached ( at least officially ) their release point, and other stuff that certainly may present some interest to those who are interested in scripting, programming e.t.c, but I didn't include them. Here you'll find only the officially released, finished tools , that were ever posted on forum. Starting from the oldest post. 
Jeez, I'm so stupid !( that explains a lot then) How do I "bind" an url to words so the url wont be visible and the words themeselves become blue-ish and clickable ( is that a word  ??? )<--fixed
new - advanced_plane_plugin - available - "Advanced Plane" script by <<vobla>>
new - line_points script - might be available, if you'll help me here - "Snap to point" script by <<Claude>>
Car script for fun - "car" script  by  <<animtime>>
script: 5 vehicles - "fighter","hearse","rallycar1","stealth", "warrior" scripts by <<animtime>>
Diamond parametric shape released - "diamond" script by <<Kubajzz>>
The Utah teapot - "The Utah teapot" script by <<Kubajzz>>Cage Parametric shape - "cage" script by <<Kubajzz>>
Script to Generate Snail Shells - "snailshell" script by <<NickE>>
Script Request : Chain Link Maker - " chain_maker_vls_1", "chain_maker_pm_vls ", " spline_tube_1 " scripts by <<NickE>>
script request-copy along a spline - "mesh2path_2" script by <<NickE>>
Object Script that Generates Scene Controller Scripts - "path to controller" script by <<NickE>>
Script : Copy "Source" mesh to " target " mesh - "mesh2mesh_6_wnfitt_final" script by <<NickE>>
Find Distance Between Two Points Script - "Two_Point_Distance"  script by <<CobraSpectrum>> edited by <<Kubajzz>>
Script Request: untriangulate faces - "untriangulate_mesh_3" script by <<NickE>>
EXPERIMENTAL Mirroring Script - "mirroring script"  by  <<CobraSpectrum>>
Old Magnet Tool - " automagnet" script by <<Francesco>>
Sage ASL collection - "metalics" script by <<sagedavis>>
Magnet Tools Package - "Magnet Tools 08-11-20"  scripts by <<Francesco>>
Please help with the cylinder script! - "dome_5_8","dome_6_8","new-dome_5_8"  scripts by <<NickD>>
Customizable 3D ship hull script (demo included) - "springsharp" script by <<NickD>>
"Ring" parametric shape plugin - "ring" script by <<NickD>>
PointSplit script testing - "PointSplitBeta1" script by <<Claude>>
HELP in Script (tree script) - "05_tree" script by <<Claude>>, edited version of <<neirao's>> "tree script"
Centre hotpoint to centre of mesh script request - "center meshes on axis" script by <<NickE>>
Boolean operations plugin - "BooleanOperations" scripts by <<Kubajzz>>
Universal mirroring plugin - "UniversalMirror" script by <<Kubajzz>>
VRML exporter plug-in - "export_vrml_plugin" script by <<Paulo>>
Copy Faces plugin - "Copy Faces" script by <<Kubajzz>>
Materials Tutorials - finished - "tutorials" (not scripts) by <<Jdez>>
Request for a script - position of camera relevant visibility controller script by <<BOB_I_Ts>>
F8ce primitive - "f8cev7" script by << BOB_I_Ts>>
Controller Scripts: Motion simulation based on Physics' Kinematic Equations - "BouncyBall" an8 file with controller script inside it by <<hf003>>  and "script_rotation_XYZ" an8 file with orientation controller script inside it by <<neirao>>
Ani2svg - "ani2svg" program by <<dwsel>>
collapse points command - "collapse points " script by <<BOB_I_Ts>>
Simple fluid simulation - "ripple_delay" script ,"xzrippletest_2" an8 file by <<NickE>>
setting materials in ASL - "roofs" script by <<freesailor>>
Converting a mesh to script - is this possible? - "Script Export" script by <<NickD>>
PointBevel script testing - "PointBevelBeta1.0" script by <<Claude>>
ALIGN POINTS SCRIPT - Help need - script by <<neirao>> edited by <<NickE>>
Ani2lux 0.1 alpha - "ani2lux 0.1.1a" program by <<dwsel>>
Anim8ing a Tank Tread - "" source with scripts needed on it by <<NickE>>
Kubajzz's toolbox - scripts in the first post by <<Kubajzz>>
F8ce version .8 parametric plugin - "f8cev8" script by <<BOB_I_Ts>>
I'm working on an XSI export script modifying Raxx's BZII X exporter script - scripts by <<lppena>> and <<Raxx>>
RIBRobin Toolkit - "RIBRobin Toolkit v.0.2a" by <<Raxx>>
MorphIt v1.0 - "Morphit v0.1d" program by <<Raxx>>
.STL Export Script - "STL Export" script by <<Raxx>>
Advanced Modeling Tool-Set ( now 31+ last Update: 26.12.2013 ) - "PolytError" scripts by <<polyGon_tError>>
Mesh2A8s Export Script - "Mesh2A8s" script by <<Raxx>>, " 09cr8plugin" by <<Llyr Carter>>
Scripts Request: Edge to point or Faces to point! - "Sel_EdgesorFaces_to_Sel_Points_v01" script by <<NickE>>
LIA - Links In Anim8or - "LIA v1.1" program by <<Raxx>>
XSI Export Script - LIA - "XSI_export_LIA" script by <<Raxx>>
AOBake - "AOBake" script by <<Raxx>>
Involute Gear Script - "Involute_Gears" script by <<NickE>>
Allthread Script - "Allthread" script by <<NickE>>
Advanced Spherize - "Spherize" script by <<Raxx>>
Select Larger/Smaller - "Select Larger Smaller" scripts by <<Raxx>>
ASL Editor [version 3.5 is out!] - "ASL Editor" program by <<Kubajzz>>
Reload Textures plugin - "ReloadTextures" script by <<Kubajzz>>
MDL to an8 converter - "mdl2an8" script by <<Deepthought>>
BVH File Import into Anim8or - "BVH2Anim8or_20150703" program by <<NickE>>
IconCreator for ASL - "IconCreator_v12" program by <<Kubajzz>>
Mesh to Mesh Morphing Hack - "ShrinkWrap_Target","To_Sphere" scripts by <<NickE>> and two files in the last post by <<B_twist>>
Icon Maker - Excel version - "Icon_maker" program by <<B_twist>>
SCRIPT REQUEST! - 2D cell shading (AUTO GENERATOR) - "CelShadurr v0.3" script by <<Raxx>>
Animated Textures Using Controller Scripts - "Animated Textures with Controller Scripts - Resource" files by <<Raxx>>
Find tri's, quads etc in model - "mark_quads_1" script by <<NickE>>
Marching Cubes - Mesh of the Surface from a Collection of Points - "MarchingCubes_v0.4" script by <<NickE>>
Spiral shapes: cave, cone - "S_Tunnel","Spiral_0 V2","Spiral_Ec" scripts by <<B_twist>>
Metric Screws and Nuts Script - "Metric_Screws" script by <<NickE>>
PHUR v1.4 - "PHUR v1.4" script by <<Raxx>>
f8ce v0.9 plugin - "f8ce9tester" script by <<BOB_I_Ts>>
Boolean operation problem! - "0000_booleanoperations_7c_nf_opt" script by <<NickE>>
UVTools Preview - "UVTools v1.1" scripts by <<Raxx>>
Multicore Movie Rendering - "MulRend" program by <<dancingshoes>>
Animated Textures Using Controller Scripts - "ANI_Setup" program by <<dancingshoes>>
How create New Material with 'TWO SIDED' value by ASL ?? -  "test_material_properties_1" script by <<Steve>> and "CelShadurr v0.4" script (modification of "CelShadurr v0.3" script by <<Raxx>>) by <<neirao>>
New Write Image Functions - "render_test" sample script by <<Steve>>
Fast 3D Export (Beta) 0625 - "F3d_export" script with a test file by <<Trevor>>
Nifty tool - "easy8" program by <<Kevin Gales>>
I have written a script to simulate waves - "animated_waves" script by <<2020 Hindsight>>
A new version of my water simulator script with more features! - "Combo waves" script by <<2020 Hindsight>>
Animated Parameteric Plug-in Scripts - some example scripts by <<Steve>> and <<2020 Hindsight>>

                                                              There's no hope! I'm gonna nail it !!!  8)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2021, 12:09:18 pm by Gyperboloid »


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2017, 08:38:44 pm »

Incredible! Nice job, Gyperboloid!


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2017, 07:04:08 am »

How do I "bind" an url to words so the url wont be visible and the words themselves become blue-ish and clickable
You do this by including the URL in the initial [ url ] tag, and placing the visible text in between [ url ] and [ /url ] tags like this:

[ url="" ] CMOD export script by Selden [ /url ]
but without the spaces in the tags.

CMOD export script by Selden


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2017, 05:49:28 pm »

How do I "bind" an url to words so the url wont be visible and the words themselves become blue-ish and clickable
You do this by including the URL in the initial [ url ] tag, and placing the visible text in between [ url ] and [ /url ] tags like this:

[ url="" ] CMOD export script by Selden [ /url ]
but without the spaces in the tags.

CMOD export script by Selden
Thank you !
Incredible! Nice job, Gyperboloid!
Incredible and nice job of all those who made and keep making all those great tools !!! With you being at the head  of course.  ;)
Just a note : all links checked, everything works. Still, there's a wonderful list of scripts and tools organazied by Raxx - the ASL Scripts Database, first sticky thread in ASL forum. It is nice and clean, though doesn't contain all the scripts ever posted on the forum, due to some limits or something.
As I said, I post this because I find all the work and contributions of the Anim8or users amazing and feel that nothing shall be missed. Though there may be some ( 0.0001 %  :D ) mistakes ( I messed up or forgot something  ??? ) in that list ( dead links not included  :( ) , still I dare to say it contains ALL the scripts ( final, official realese ) ever posted on forum.         


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2017, 12:33:59 pm »

This is great work Gyperboloid, thank you.


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2017, 07:49:00 pm »

wow hehehe, great work!!!


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2017, 04:40:06 am »

This is astonishing!  Brilliant work Gyperboloid :)


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2017, 10:55:53 pm »

Hehe, not a big deal. Great if it can be helpfull to somebody. See it like a tribute to all those who make the great stuff  :)


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2018, 08:49:08 am »

Hello, just to let you know many among my tool set get replaced by recent Anim8or update from Steve, so use with care, scripted tool don't have any undo support (as far i know)! 


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2021, 05:58:01 pm »

Hello, just to let you know many among my tool set get replaced by recent Anim8or update from Steve, so use with care, scripted tool don't have any undo support (as far i know)! 
What do you mean replaced ? Due to the latest updates your scripts may not work correctly or what ? Because your post is still there.


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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2021, 01:05:04 pm »



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Re: Complete history of scripts posted in ASL forum .
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2021, 02:01:01 pm »

Some Anim8or Community legendary members still around ! :) Nice.