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Author Topic: General UI and Workflow Suggestions  (Read 86253 times)


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Re: General UI and Workflow Suggestions
« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2014, 09:36:23 am »

... In fireworks 8 if you hold shift while placing a line it locks into the 8 common directions (up, down, left, right, 45 degrees, 135 deg. etc.). ...

Did you see that build 1112 added a "Snap to Right Angles" option in the Options->Grid dialog for splines and adding points in the Point editor?


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Re: General UI and Workflow Suggestions
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2014, 12:37:41 am »

... In fireworks 8 if you hold shift while placing a line it locks into the 8 common directions (up, down, left, right, 45 degrees, 135 deg. etc.). ...

Did you see that build 1112 added a "Snap to Right Angles" option in the Options->Grid dialog for splines and adding points in the Point editor?

Just tested it out now; there are two things I have to say about it.
One, it only snaps to the right angles (no 45 degrees, only 4 directions not 8).
Two I have to enable grid lock to place the line, then disable the grid lock to place a line like normal. The issue here is it just takes way too long when in practice.
I want to be able to place a straight line one second, and then an arbitrary one (as if there was no grid) the next second.
Going back to fireworks 8, when you use the shift key it only draws a straight line if that key is pressed. Meaning if I release it I draw like normal (it doesn't toggle, if the key is down it's enabled, if it's up it's disabled). I believe this is technically called the ruler mode in fireworks.
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