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Author Topic: Select Larger/Smaller  (Read 13300 times)


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Select Larger/Smaller
« on: October 29, 2014, 11:17:53 pm »

In the zip file attached are two scripts, "Select Larger.a8s" and "Select Smaller.a8s". Install them into your scripts directory.

As one might imagine...
  • If you select a shape and activate either script, then it'll select all larger or smaller shapes in that object (by volume of the bounding box).
  • If you select a face and activate either script, then it'll select all faces in the object that are larger or smaller than the currently selected face(s).
  • If you select an edge and activate either script, it'll select all edges that are longer or shorter than the currently selected edge(s).

If you select more than one shape, it adds the volumes together and searches for shapes larger/smaller than their combined individual volumes. The same applies to faces and edges. This way you can select, say, a blob of faces and find all faces that are larger or smaller than that blob.

The "Selection Margin" float attribute allows you to define a percent margin between -1 and 1. A margin of, say, 0.1 when Selecting Larger faces, will select all faces that are 0.9 times the surface area of the currently selected face(s) or larger. A -0.1 would select all faces that are 1.1 times the area or larger. It's flipped for selecting smaller: a 0.1 when Selecting Smaller would select all faces that are 1.1 times or less the area, and -0.1 would select all that are 0.9 times or less the area. The default is 0.00. Whenever you run any of the two scripts, this attribute is automatically created so that you can jump in and adjust the margin with ease.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 11:18:32 pm by Raxx »