Been working on this script still. The user can now set colors, distances, radiuses, and angles that (can) age based on step or generation, among other things.
Still have to fix a few bugs, optimize some areas, and make the script as user-friendly as possible. The Box pattern, which is one of the simpler ones, has 30 user-definable settings. I doubt users would want to slog through Anim8or's attributes system 30 times, so any changes or additions by the user will have to be made within the script itself using a text editor.
In the meantime, here's a screen recorded video of the script running various patterns in Anim8or. When refreshing at each step, like in this video, it gets slower the further into the pattern it gets. When refreshing is disabled, however, these patterns get completed in one or two seconds.
When the script is ready, I'll give it its own topic and how-to in the ASL Scripts board.