1143 dated December 10, 2014 implements a different mouse model. It affects the Point Editor's
Scale and
Scale Non-Uniform tools and works like this:
If Fast Select is enabled:
Click without dragging (
All tools): Only affects P/E/F selection. Never changes geometry:
LMB: Select highlighted item. Deselect everything else. Clicking on empty space deselects everything,
MMB: Deselect highlighted item. Nothing else changes selection. Used to "Subtract From Selection".
RMB: Select highlighted item. Nothing else changes. Used to "Add To Selection".
Click and drag: Affects selection and geometry.
a1. Selection (
Arrow Select):
Same as click without dragging.
a2. Selection (
All tools except Arrow Select):
Clicking on a selected P/E/F doesn't alter selection. Everything currently selected is moved/scaled/etc.
Clicking on an unselected P/F/E selects only that item, everything else is deselected. Only that one item is moved/scaled/etc.
Clicking in empty space doesn't alter selection. All previously selected items are moved/scaled/etc.
b1. Geometry (
LMB: Move in the X/Y direction (e.g. in the plain of the screen).
Same as LMB. Possible additional functionality here. New in 1143: moves points in the direction of the Normals.
RMB: Move in the Z direction (e.g. into and out of the screen).
b2. Geometry (
LMB/MMB/RMB: Scales selected geometry around the geometric center of selected groups of Points/Edges/Faces.
Note: Isolated single points don't move. Think about it if this seems strange 
b3. Geometry (
Scale Non-Uniform):
LMB: Scale connected groups in X/Y directions independently (screen aligned).
MMB: No effect.
RMB: Scale in the Z direction (e.g. into and out of the screen).
b4. Geometry (
New in 1143: Rotates around the geometric center of selected groups of Points/Edges/Faces.
LMB: Rotates in the X and Y screen axis.
MMB: Rotates in the direction of the average of the selected faces' normals.
RMB: Rotates in the Z axis (which points out of the screen).
Click-drag with <Ctrl> Key Pressed (
All tools):
New in 1143: Only affects P/E/F selection. Never changes geometry:
LMB: Paint-select. Initially deselects everything, then selects as the mouse moves.
MMB: Paint-deselect. Deselects as the mouse moves over things.
RMB: Paint-select without delete. Same as LMB but doesn't do the initial deselection.
If Fast Select is disabled:
1. Keeps "Classic Anim8or" behavior.
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