I don't have any complaints about the current button setup. A few other things, however:
LMB+Ctrl: When adding new faces, their normals are flipped opposite of what the connecting faces are.
LMB+Shift: I still think it needs to clean points when dissolving edges and the point has two edges remaining. It's simple, sure, to afterwards click on the point and dissolve it. But then multiply that by dozens of times per model vs one or two times needing the other scenario and you have the greater of two evils. Again, merging faces or implementing a standalone dissolve tool would take care of those couple other cases where cleaning isn't needed.
Picking Radius: This applies to the RMB-move for the topo knife and the move tool in fast select mode. The picking radius for points is much too small for comfort. In XSI (Blender and Wings3D have advanced picking as well), it begins picking the closest p/e/f at 80 pixels. Points get absolute priority (this is important!) when the mouse is around 12 pixels away from it. Edges get next priority over faces, at about 12 pixels distance as well. I know I've been harping about this before, but it makes for an extremely smooth and natural experience when modeling and I can't think of any reason not to have this level of picking. When testing this and previous builds with the topo tool, it's been something of a sore point for me.
As for picking when using LMB actions of the topo tool, 12 pixels with point priority would be fabulous. Even when doing small tests earlier, there have been times when I unintentionally made cuts right next to the points I was wanting to connect to, resulting in duplicate points I didn't discover until much later. If it had instead snapped to the points properly, I wouldn't have had to clean it up later by dissolving the edge and then dissolving the point. If the user needs cuts extremely close to other points, then zooming in and cutting, or making the chain of cuts or connecting edges and then sliding the points afterwords would suffice.