Not sure who the last comment is refrencing...
The joint thing happens in 98 too so its an an8 problem not a Win problem.
Win 10 is actually looking really good now. There are a few bugs but less and less as we approach Jul 29.
10 is a definit improvement in GUI over 8. Desktop mode is default again and the start menu can be customised such that its closely resembles a basic 7 menu by removing all tiles. This leaves recently opened aplications on left and then all programs in a scroling menu when clicked.
On Phones, if you plug in a keyboard and mouse it switches to desktop mode which is pretty cool. Kinda wish nokia used intel chips now... would have been cool to use an8 on phone

Yeah, I do beleve they skipped 9 due to 9x, but they also said they wanted to use "One" however they wernt alowed since Win "1.0" was taken so they chose 10.
Also, after the 29th they plan to continue the Insider program for Win11 on the 30th.
Anyone have any win32 programs they wish to have tested in 10?