Looks like a good start!
Is it intended to include atmospheric flight capabilities?
I ask because wings aren't really needed in the vacuum of space, while drag on the weapons would be likely to cause problems when flying at high speeds in air. Maybe adding some (perhaps currently retracted) nacelles would be appropriate for protecting them?
No, the ship isn't meant for flying in an atmosphere.
The large fins you see are actually the "FTL Warp Drive". This new design of battleship is a more sci-fi ship that can travel between stars.
In normal space you use the rocket engines to thrust and coast, not unlike playing the old arcade game of Asteroids.
However, to get between stars you need a lot of power, so my idea was that the stars themselves put out the massive energy needed. It would be some sort of energy that can be used like wind. You power up your sails, catch the solar energy, and navigate around the galaxy like an old time sailing ship of the Napoleonic wars, just in space.
The front of the ship is a hangar bay.
The disc you see in the middle of the hull is an enclosed gravity wheel. You have a train that runs around the inside of the hull where you live in for the most part. Or rather you have two trains side by side, one running the other direction so they counteract the torque of each other.
The gravity wheels have to be enclosed. There is no rotating joint in the world that can also be air tight. While having a visible rotating wheel looks cool in practice, in reality you can't do that. So, you just have to enclose the spinning gravity wheels inside a stationary hull fairing.