I'd say an inelegant undo function is better than no function.
Steve, what about one of the following:
- Save everything at each point in the Undo history and let the user choose between keeping it in RAM OR on the HDD/SSD. I'm on 32 GB RAM but wouldn't really mind Anim8or having to load from disk if it meant the Undo support would at least be there.
- More work, but; an Undo system that saves the differences, aka delta-patching of sorts. Could still have the choice of keeping history in RAM or on the disk.
- As tazdij suggests; track every command & script with their used parameters (run them in a macro-like fashion upon undo / redo, would be problematic with very demanding scripts timewise, though)
Could at least be a temporary solution, I'm sure users would like just having the possibility to undo scripts at all.