Steve: I was trying to figure out what was the problem. What would delay or stop an exe file?
For example, on my old hard drive, my antivirus used to scan any new exe file when double-clicked it.
It showed a message "Scanning" and had a menu where I could check "Always trust this file" After that, everything was fine.
But now it doesn't. And this couldn't explain why files I already have on the hard drive are stopped/delayed. Maybe it didn't have anything to do with the antivirus. Who knows? This time, I couldn't even "End process" in the task manager for all the copies that didn't run. Had to restart the comp.
I usually don't touch the setting. Any new build works and should work just time every time.
The wiggle happens when playing the animation, and also in the render. Usually, I solve it by modifying the animation a bit. Yes, I was thinking one of the reasons could be I have more bones, but I believe this problem will stop when the end-effector bone will have the orientation locked. Can't wait for this!

Thank you, man!