I am glad to see Anim8or is again undergoing active development. I had checked out this program a while back, but it looked like it was no longer being developed or supported, so stopped using it. I am experimenting now with the latest build, and it looks good. I have been using Poser, but was never happy with Poser rendering. I found appleseed (check it out at appleseedhq.net), a really great open source renderer that is generating a lot of interest in the cg community. Appleseed does rendering, but has no facilities for modelling/animating. Exporters have been written for Blender, Maya and 3ds Max. I wrote one for Poser using Poser's Python interface and have been very pleased with my appleseed renders of Poser scenes. I have just begun working on an Anim8or to appleseed exporter. So far I have verified that I can extract camera and object position vectors and orientation quaternions from a .an8 file and convert them to 4x4 pose matricies for appleseed. I have code for exporting Poser lights to appleseed lights, so I can adapt that for Anim8or. When I get things a little farther along I will release my Python script as open source so the Anim8or community can join Blender, Maya and 3ds Max users in experimenting with appleseed.
And now a question. It looks like I can only set the camera FOV property. All the other software I have used allows me to set the aspect ratio. Usually I can set focal length and film dimensions. I know I can set render width/height in the render tab, but is there some way to do this for the camera?