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Author Topic: Challenge #35: Talent Show  (Read 67411 times)


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Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
« Reply #45 on: August 26, 2020, 02:31:17 pm »

I'm rewriting a Large chunk of the beginning, a lot've work down the gurgler, and a bit of editing to be done.
 A proper plan, from  start to finish, would've saved me a lot of work.
yup, i've learned that one the hard way too!  i've got some weird files on my archival disks, left over from projects where i started designing and animating before i'd got a clue how (or if!) the plot would work :P

The majority of the scenes so far are still usable and it'll have a better storyline than the original.
well, that's a plus.  and i'm very pleased to hear the project's still ticking over, even if it's slowly :)
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