okay... i got so many scrapes and bruises right now from battling ART

I'm fairly happy with how my scene is coming along overall (i've added the suspension cables, which were the last missing bit of modelling, and i think i've improved the readability of the text), but there's the occasional little bit which just doesn't want to come out how i want. the main culprit is the right-hand end of the version-number block; i've tried all sorts of things to get it to show up red like the sides of the letters above it, but it seems determined to stay brown for some reason. hmph

also, i know it's all a bit grainy atm, but i'm planning to crank up the sample count for the final render. the last two i posted were at 16, this one's 25, and i'm thinking i might go for 64 on the final pass. if the render time isn't too prohibitive, i'd like to run off a full-HD version just to see what it looks like, but we'll have to wait and see on that one!

anyway, what do you guys think of this one? is it more readable (or less, or no difference)? any other detail critiques?