You probably noticed that up to this point, I've just been doing screenshots and not renders, well I came up with a configuration that keeps the solo pose Robin originally had, and *Tetrises* Shark into the frame nicely, so now I'm getting things started for rendering purposes.
I really like the way that their tails collectively create a swooping curve.
I am picturing a background with lots of plants so as to make the pallet of the characters present stand out nicely. The Anim8or logo will probably go in the top right.
I like the dynamic in this pose because one could read into it some layers of depth if they wanted to (i.e. the models we make with anim8or can feel dear to us, or at least I often feel that way) , but it also is just visually pretty to look at.
@davdud101 , heheh well you know how it is, T-pose should look stiff for the sake of ease of rigging. Fun fact, I did use Steve's shark tutorial for her.
Wip of my take on the logo, thoughts?
Added logo to composition.