"I notice 'co-ordinates' change globally, maybe it would be better if they didn't..?" - I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Can you be more specific?
Sure, but it's not actually a biggy
Every time you enter the Sequence editor 'object co-ordinates' is selected by default. That's cool.
The other 3 editors don't have a default co-ordinate setting. Thats also cool.
Whats been catching me out, is that when you change the co-ordinate mode in any one editor, it changes in all the other editors as well.
(except sequence editor)
I suppose its always been like this, and i've only just noticed since after the addition of trackball, (and IK?), and with it the need to change between object and screen co-ordinates more often than previously.
Its not a biggy, really, and is possibly fine left as it is. (which is why i asked if anyone else had an opinion).
It only affects me when working between sequence and scene editors, and if i just try to remain aware of which co-ordinates are selected when first entering the scene editor, then everything is fine. If no-one else gets caught out in a similar type of way, then its just me, and
not something that really needs looking at.
Hope that's clarrified what i was meaning, and unless you decide otherwise, it's just an observation which makes no difference to anything, because anim8or is so cool anyway.