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Author Topic: Version 1.0 Bugs and Suggestions REFERENCE THREAD  (Read 10602 times)


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Version 1.0 Bugs and Suggestions REFERENCE THREAD
« on: May 22, 2017, 02:11:26 pm »

A while ago I told Steve I had a few thoughts / observations / suggestions for version 1.0, however I'm always too busy doing other things, so I never get around to posting them.
So what I thought I'd do is create this thread as a place-holder containing a reference to each of the suggestions, bugs etc, as I get around to posting about them. Some will be simple bugs, others might be issues raised as a result of changes in the latest build, and some others will be issues that have been around for a long time which I've never got around to reporting. (Most of these I've either long forgotten about or found workarounds, so I'll probably just post about each of these as I re-encounter them and my memory is jogged.)

Please DO NOT REPLY to this thread, as it's just designed as a personal reference / index to the issues as I report them. Please only comment / reply in the DETAIL thread (once I've created it).

As I get around to it, for each issue, I will add a bullet point to this post/thread with a link to the detailed thread describing the issue in more detail. If you see an item listed here without a link to a separate thread, that's just because I haven't got around to creating the detailed thread yet.

As I said, if anyone has comments about any of these issues, please reply in the DETAIL thread (NOT in this thread).

Here's the first few:
1.OPENBuild 1269 BUG - Alt key has been re-assigned. DETAILS HERE
2.FIXEDObject Folders - Parent Folder needs an indicator as well. DETAILS HERE
3.OPENObject Folders - Some sort of bulk re-organisation functionality needed.DETAILS HERE
4.OPENGroup / Ungroup - inconsistent effects on Object Layers DETAILS HERE
5.OPENGroup / Ungroup loss of Materials -- (May have been fixed already - TBA)
6.NOT A BUGRedraw failure + keyboard remapped on SAVE. DETAILS HERE

« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 06:57:55 am by chuft-captain »


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Re: Version 1.0 Bugs and Suggestions REFERENCE THREAD
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2017, 04:32:05 pm »

chuft-captain: This is all good feedback. Unfortunately I'm just day's away from the v1.0 release. I don't want to make any changes that risk adding major bugs at this point, especially since I'm going to be away from my computer for the month of June (Italy again ). I'll reply to each in it's own thread.

I'm replying here because my comment applies to all of your ideas.


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Re: Version 1.0 Bugs and Suggestions REFERENCE THREAD
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2017, 09:32:27 pm »

Completely understand and agree, and I have no expectations regarding timeframe in any case. (Sorry I haven't posted earlier).
Probably the one with the least risk of regression is #2, but NONE of these is worth the risk when you're so close to release.

That said, you might just want to make sure that you can't replicate #6 (just posted) before release. (Although it did come right eventually, so probably not a show-stopper even if you do manage to replicate it.)

« Last Edit: May 23, 2017, 09:38:22 pm by chuft-captain »