What do you think about changing PFE to VFE in the dialog to be consistent with the hot-keys.
I'd suggest changing this to "Extend selection when switching to points, edges or faces" or something like that. "PFE" and "VFE" are unclear and sound like chemical initialisms.
Well, right on the top of it there's the definition of PFE ( or VFE ) - " Points, Edges, Faces " so should not be that unclear. Though,
" Extend selection when switching to points, edges, faces" sounds good , maybe even " Extend selection when switching
between points, edges, faces ". But don't know if this will fit in the dialog window. May look kind of odd if there'll be a whole paragraph to click on . : )
Well, couldn't imagine that a lot would prefere to stay with the old color scheme, so then there's a good reason to leave it as is.
1) --- What nemyax said 
2) RMB toggles the V E F enable that you click on. If only one is enabled and you toggle it off then there is nothing left enabled (which is kind of useless, or so I thought) so Anim8or enables V.
3) This is a bug - the box should be checked accordingly. The setting is currently saved in the registry so that when you restart Anim8or it is remembered. However the dialog sets the value of "Smooth Points" instead of "Extend PFE Selection", so when you open the dialog and exit with "OK" the setting is cleared and "Smooth Points" gets the old value, unless you have re-checked everything. I'll fix this.
3A) What do you think about changing PFE to VFE in the dialog to be consistent with the hot-keys.
4) I preserved the old color scheme because some people like it better.
1) Actually, originaly what is the exact name of points ( vertices - Trevor

) in 3D CG ? If it's "vertex" and not " point", then it should be called as so everywhere inside Anim8or, including all commands all settings e.t.c. . And then a hotkey will be given relative to a correct name, and not the opposite I think. After all, we are not playing Quake, right?

2) I guess you wrote some lines of code to jump to "points" ( "vertices") when clicking on the only enabled item ( "edges" or "faces" ) with the
RMB, to prevent nothing left enabled, right ? So, whouldn't it be better to " jump " to the currently enabled ( it will deselect it and instide of selecting " points",it will enable the " previously enabled item" ) . In other words to stay on the same and not jumping always to points.

3A)As i wrote above, maybe it should be given the name it ( everything actualy ) has in general in CG and hot-keys will be applied relatively , not the opposite ?

4) Yeap, the classic is classic

. Though I love the new one .