Excellent work, this looks great! To be honest I think the light variance looks pretty correct, based on the action of flames themselves, and the candle flames and wicks are really excellent with a very realistic appearance. The main things I'd be looking at relate to scale, the candles and flames are very large relative to the bat and the (seriously creepy!) approaching figure. Great job on animating the figure's robe by the way, very nice indeed!
Also, while it would negatively affect rendering speed, softening the shadows cast by the lights would help to get rid of those hard-edged, dark circular shadows on the floor under each candle. They can also be reduced by ensuring the max range of each light overlaps each other, so the shadows are partially cancelled by illumination from each adjacent light.
Finally, higher resolution textures for the walls and floor/ceiling would improve overall 'realism', and adding a bump map would also make the walls look less flat. Just dropping the same texture into the bump channel and setting the value to, say, 60 would work quite well without needing to develop a separate map. If there's already a bump map in place perhaps increase the bump value, turn up the specular value and reduce roughness which should improve how the lights interact with the map.
Well done on this, very impressive!