Wow $imon, I've only been doing bland renders for testing, so seeing your render working that well is spectacular! I'm glad you put the depth of field to work, I take it it was easy to use?
I did find a bug related to scanline shadows, in that it'd mess up if you mixed lights that did and didn't cast shadows. I fixed that and a .bat issue where it'd compile everything no matter what. It -should- work fine now in that regard.
On a side note, I just implemented single-image environment maps, and raytraced reflections! The way I'm handling reflections and other special material effects is to make a shape called "MatMod". Basically, you create the shape, apply a material to it, and then that shape's parameters will change or add to that material for all objects that have that material applied. For example, if a sphere has "Material01" applied to it, and you added a MatMod shape with reflection enabled and applied "Material01" to it, then the sphere will have reflections too.
Note that at this point, the render becomes a mix of scanline, point-cloud, and raytraced techniques. The "Render Type" option in the Scene Options pretty much just applies to shadows and AO, and in the future GI. Otherwise the techniques that can only be done via raytracing will be done regardless of what render type you choose.
In RenderPixie you could get a lot of "too many eyesplits" junk, so in the Scene Options I added an option to change the max number of eyesplits per piece of geometry rendered. If you find missing pieces of geometry, increase this number. Don't worry too much about what an eyesplit is

Attached are the files pertinent to the changes mentioned above. Feel free to replace the ones in your current installation with these, in order to use them. I will put them in a new release when there are more features. sl_phong goes in the shaders directory
[edit]By the way, I wasn't aware of the tiling issue, actually. My tests didn't extend to that. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to obtain this info from Anim8or! I'll have to ask Steve about it.