HOLY CRAP!!! Multi-Threaded rendering has arrived, testing NOW

rendered a test (Diffuse Inter-Reflection test as shown on another topic)
83 secs down to 14 !!!! WOW
Also, anyone using DIR should disable fastAA as its actually slower since it always has to do "full evaluation".
My only suggestion now would be to "build" an image interlaced, i.e., blocks of solid -> blocky(coarse) -> final image(fine)
Also, my tests show that ChunkSize 32 is the best for speed, anything bigger gets held up on one or more chunks (like the mirror ball).
32 on the other hand is small enough that each chunk can finish in a timely manner and if its still needing to render then another thread can "take over" since its not tied to a thread.
Can you up the thread count to 16 too? Im only using 70% CPU (anyone have anything more?)