I would really like some help running the Advanced Spherize script described in
the thread: Advanced Spherize
http://www.anim8or.com/smf/index.php/topic,4984.msg36541.html#msg36541 The thread also contains the plugin and script file (Spherize.zip).
I would really appreciate it if someone who's acquainted with this script would
outline the steps required to spherize a mesh. A simple example would suffice.
I create a mesh (lets say from a cube). I can run the parametric spherize helper
shape successfully. But quite frankly I can never spherize a mesh because I
simply don't understand the steps that are necessary after the helper shape is
created. How exactly are the helper shape and mesh supposed to interact?
What goes where?

What is supposed to be selected and what is not.
Are you supposed to do anything with the helper shape material that I see
created? Thanks for any assistance you can offer.
A baffled user,