That sounds pretty awesome kevin. Hope it goes well.
NickE wrote a script for importing bvh motion files into Anim8or. It can be found in the ASL scripts part of the Anim8or forums. Might be interesting for you if you haven't seen it before.
I haven't played with blender, but did muck around with poser animation and have seen the layouts in 3DSmax and Maya.
I haven't really tested all of Anim8ors animation tools, and stick mostly to using morph targets, sequences, and very basic key framing techniques. (haven't really played with things affecting 'fast/slow in, fast/slow out', manipulating the little green box handles in the animation path, and other stuff which i'm probly not even aware of)

I do find anim8ors keyframing setup to be pretty darn good, especially with some of the latter updates, shortcut keys for frame keying, folders, and other bits and pieces.
Although i can;t compare to the keyframing layout in blender, i'm quite comfortable now with the way keyframing is implemented in anim8or, and, after all, decent keyframing
can be the corner-stone to decent animation.