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Author Topic: Enhancement request: Please enable copy-and-paste text of Error popups  (Read 9934 times)


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Enhancement request for Anim8or v1.01.1363:

Please make it possible to copy and paste the text that's in the "If you want to..."  Error/Warning popups.

(I'm guessing that the box is supposed to be titled something like "If you want to know...", but its title is being truncated for some reason. A bug, perhaps? There certainly seems to be enough room in the popup's title bar.)

I haven't checked the other Error and Warning popups, but it'd be nice if copy-and-paste were available for them, too, if it isn't already.

In particular, I'd like to be able to copy and paste the file name which is shown in the
"If you want to..." popup which is used to display the names of missing textures while Anim8or is loading a model.

Background: I recently copied a .AN8 model file from one directory to another so I can use it in a new project. Unfortunately, it references many textures which I need to copy, too, and I'd like to make a list of them. I'd rather not replicate the entire original directory since it contains many irrelevant files.

See the attached screengrab.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 12:15:16 pm by selden »


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Being able to select the text is a good idea. This dialog is from a call to the Windows function MessageBox which doesn't have that option, so I'll make a custom dialog for this.


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Thanks, a lot!