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Ian Ross has just released a book on Anim8or. It's perect for a beginner and a good reference for experienced users. It contains detailed chapters on every aspect, with many examples. Get your own copy here: "Anim8or Tutorial Book"

Author Topic: Guideline - Read before you start!  (Read 24541 times)


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Guideline - Read before you start!
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:25:37 pm »

Welcome to the Anim8or Challenges! Please read on!

How it Works
Every so often a global moderator will create a new Challenge Topic. These topics contain information on what you'll be making, how you'll be making it, and how long you have before the challenge ends. Users who want to participate may then post their progress inside that challenge topic and give C&C to the other participants.

Of course there's a purpose behind all this!
  • To Give the ability for users to work on a common ground
  • To Allow users to improve their skills and learn Anim8or and CG in general
  • To Allow healthy competition and collaboration between members of this community
  • To Give users something to do when they're bored
  • To Have fun!

Please follow these simple rules!
  • Original work, please: If you use something you didn't make (like a bush or tree in a scene modeling a farm house, a texture. etc.) give credit to it's source.
  • Follow the criteria: Don't go off on a tangent and do your own thing, at least until you've done everything within the criteria first ;)
  • Use Anim8or: You can use other tools (uv mapping, composition, etc.) but the majority of the modeling should be done with Anim8or.
  • Observe proper forum etiquette: This is still part of the forum!
  • Deadline:Each challenge will have a specific time limit.  You're allowed (encouraged!) to keep working on your models after the challenge is closed but to be fair to the other entrants winners will be chosen from work submitted by the deadline.
  • If you know, say so: Advice and constructive criticism is welcome when requested.

Who wins what?
Every once in a while there will be a competitive challenge where a winner is declared. However, most times it will be non-competitive! Aside from improving your skills, getting recognition for those skills, having portfolio filler, having something to do, and possibly having your work submitted to the official gallery if it's good enough, there are no rewards for participating. Just have fun with everyone else!
