looks like i might be at an advantage then, coz i've only got one 'main' ongoing project, on the backburner for now, so am about ready to see if, maybe, froyd might have any 'hidden talents'...
I think one of the hardest part is deciding 'the act'.
One person?, 2 people?, or maybe an animal...... or 2.
Monster?, Alien
and what's the 'talent'?
Pull a rabbit out of a hat, juggling, singing...... comedy"
Knife throwing, balance act, contortionism ..

?....hmmmmmmmmm.... yeah, deciding can be hard.
Sometimes, perhaps there's something you're already working on, or have worked on, that could be 're-ignited' or given a new life.....
These days, even when there is a 'stage', the 'video, lighting, and digital effects can be so captivating, that you forget there is even a stage there...
If we are wanting to post our 'act' as a work in progress, would we do that here,? (or in the wip forum.)
Was wondering in case any of us would like help and/or ideas from other Anim8ors, to help sort've, polish our act, or whatever.

SINGING will need to find some 'free to use' opera or barbershop .wav files somewhere.... coz i sure can't sing.