I could not find a better compiler but the one I got embeds a server + gui browser in an executable which allows you to run the PHP program from anywhere ,no need to install anything ,no need for internet...just that the size is ridiculous for such a simple program +-66MB
Anyway you can download here (my google drive)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1peRXSTeDxeiY9PD84w3ijv4c2iFM9LJA/view?usp=sharingWhat does it do?
The program embeds a video into anim8or which can be used as a reference in the background.The video can be scrubbed and resized in scene mode only.
It's simple really, the program first creates multiple objects,assign uv and material to the objects and automatically key frames every object.
Well the package above includes a video tutorial
Known issues?
Well the program is limited to handling only 10 seconds video at 30fps because anim8or would crash everytime I tried to load any file with more than 15 seconds
Only tested on windows 8.1
If there are any other issues let me know.