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Author Topic: Applying Textures (And Bump Maps)  (Read 3721 times)

Old Codger

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Applying Textures (And Bump Maps)
« on: November 19, 2020, 12:52:48 pm »

Can someone point me to a tutorial on applying a texture (or a bump map) to a model? I kinda sorta figure it has to do with selecting faces and somewhere it involves the materials editor but beyond that I am at a loss and have a headache from beating my head against the wall of some aspects on Steven's marvelous toy.

If there is a primer on doing things like that a link to said primer would be a godsend. Damn! I hate being so needy but sometimes the manual is great and other times it might as well be written in ancient Sumerian for all the sense it makes to my poor old head. Back around '10 -'13 I used to use Flight Sim Design Studio and could texture things easily. I also remember once doing a jpeg of black vertical lines on a white background to see how bump maps worked but that was most of a decade ago and I do not remember what I did.

A simple link to a tutorial or where somebody else asked this question would suffice. I tried searching but got so many obviously non-useful replies that I abandoned the search.


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Re: Applying Textures (And Bump Maps)
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2020, 12:06:57 pm »

A brief discussion of applying textures is in the thread at

Unfortunately, the tutorial mentioned there is no longer available and seems to have never been backed up by :(

Old Codger

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Re: Applying Textures (And Bump Maps)
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2020, 10:00:35 am »

Thanks, selden. Unfortunately I just do not feel up to mastering yet another tool just now. I downloaded/installed UVMapper (trial version. not wanting to spend money just now) but what I'd like to be able do is use the tools available in Anim8or. Specifically, it would be nice to have some direction about using the UV tool. I can sorta get the part of my texture onto the face selected but it's way out of scale and skewed. I feel so outa my depth here. Still beating my head against the brick wall.