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Author Topic: 2 Suggestions  (Read 14163 times)

Old Codger

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2 Suggestions
« on: December 13, 2020, 10:59:48 am »

Mullins' Law: "No task is impossible (or even difficult) to the one who doesn't have to do it."

1. With acknowledgment of the above, I would like to request the ability to generate Geodesic domes with more than 6 levels.

2. Generate texture maps from an existing mesh.


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Re: 2 Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2020, 03:21:58 pm »

1. Might be abl
Mullins' Law: "No task is impossible (or even difficult) to the one who doesn't have to do it."

1. With acknowledgment of the above, I would like to request the ability to generate Geodesic domes with more than 6 levels.

2. Generate texture maps from an existing mesh.

1. Might be able to manage that by subdividing a mesh and then converting it back to a mesh

2. Have you tried the software UVMapper? It's pretty nice for unwrapping models.